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Closing the Door on 2023...Gearing Up to Support Constituents Even More in 2024!

GAGDC Staff is Gearing Up to Support Constituents Even More in 2024!

Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation is looking forward to a healthy and growing for all our residents and partners. Happy New Year! 

We are happy to begin the year continuing to support one of our most treasured assets in the Greater Auburn Gresham Service area, our SENIORS! As we close the door on 2023, we are opening 2024 with one last push for our Seniors! 

Our goal is to ensure even more unrestricted funds are available to implement new, age appropriate, fun and healthy programs for our Seniors. Please consider donating today, as a last push for end of year goal of $10K for our Seniors. Click on the donate button below or the following link: Support Our Seniors GAGDC End-of-Year Giving THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

Keywords: Auburn Gresham Healthy Lifestyle HUB, gagdc, Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation, Seniors

Posted in Community Highlights, All news, Newsletter


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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Improve and enhance the delivery of community and economic development in Auburn Gresham, Englewood, and West Chatham.

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