

The goal of the 2GEN baseline survey is to: 

  1. Collect enough DATA from parents to determine proactive solutions to potential risks of implementing the 2GEN program.
  2. Help in the design of project modules for the parents, that supports allowing them to complete the program successfully. 

The following graphs are the results of the baseline parent survey given to Westcott Elementary School parents, the first week of January 2015. For the initial survey we targeted and distributed the survey to approximately 98 parents. The following graphs highlight the 53% return/completion rate of our very first initial baseline parent survey. 

Survey DATA:                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tototal # of surveys distributed: 98 parents                                                                                                                                          Total responses: 52 parents

Survey Data:Total # of surveys passed out: 98Total responses: 52

2GEN Project Basline Survey Data

Result Highlights

                                                                                                                                      Figure 1
