Upcoming City of Chicago Business Education Webinars
Published: October 3, 2023

Upcoming BACP Business Education Webinars
BACP offers free business education workshops or webinars every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Due to COVID-19, all programs are currently being offered as webinars. Topics include business licensing, operations, financial resources, marketing, and more. Programs are free and open to the public and taught by industry professionals, not-for-profit agencies, and government agencies.
BACP continues to offer free business education webinars. The webinars feature a variety of topics aimed at helping entrepreneurs launch and grow their business and are open to the public.
You don't want to miss the great workshops offered in September. For webinar calendar and to register, visit Chicago.gov/BusinessEducation.
Reminders and Resources:
These guidelines are part of the city’s Be Safe Chicago framework that will be used to guide Chicago’s process amid COVID-19. Please review the guidelines to keep your business in compliance.
Tips to Protect Chicago's Businesses
Business News, Business Training, Businesses, City of Chicago
Posted in Business, Housing, Economic Development