Join the ZOOM ROUNDTABLE focused on Development in the Auburn Gresham community
As a part of the Department of Planning and Developments (DPD) continued dialogue with community stakeholders around the INVEST South West Initiative, we invite you to the June 2021 Neighborhood Roundtable for Auburn Gresham. Neighborhood Roundtables are intended to be open meetings consisting of representatives from City agencies, Aldermanic offices, and neighborhood organizations aimed at advancing local goals through a broad, cross-disciplinary approach that leverages the insights, wisdom, creativity, and resources of local stakeholders.
This will be our 15th overall meeting with community since we began holding meetings in May 2020 and we continue to seek input from residents, stakeholders, business owners and any/all who have an interest in the future of Auburn Gresham.
For meeting information, please see below:
Topic: Auburn Gresham INVEST South/West June Roundtable
Time: Jun 24, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 8710 0814
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Auburn Gresham, City of Chicago Department of Planning, Community Meeting, Evergreen, Invest Southwest
Posted in Community Events, Business Events