SBIF | Small Business Improvement Fund for 79th Street and 79th Vincennes Corridor

The Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) is helping small businesses and commercial corridors stay viable in the City of Chicago by providing financial assistance for building improvement costs. Eligible program participants can receive reimbursement grants for qualified permanent building improvements to small business properties.
The City of Chicago's grant uses local Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues to reimburse eligible applicants for repairing or rehabilitating their facilities within specific TIF districts. The City of Chicago’s SBIF grant program managed by Somercor 504. Click on Here to go directory to the SomerCor 504 website.
Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) Information One Pager
SBIF-Authorized TIF Districts
The following list indicates TIF districts in the City of Chicago in which the SBIF has been authorized and their respective application acceptance periods. All currently open and “on-deck” (soon-to-be-open) application acceptance periods are listed below. Find out if you are in a SBIF district.
DPD is excited to bring the enhanced Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) program to another Chicago community. The 79th/Vincennes TIFs will rollout for new SBIF applications from October 3rd 9am to November 2nd to at 5 pm.
79th Street Corridor (map)
79th Vincennes Corridor
11/2/22 (5pm)