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News items related to Auburn Gresham

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6th Ward Alderman Office Holiday Hours and More updates...

Season’s Greetings 6th Ward Family, from Alderman Roderick Sawyer!

Major progress at the Auburn Gresham Healthy Lifestyle Hub

There’s been some major progress at the Auburn Gresham healthy lifestyle hub site since construction commenced in March.

79th Street SBIF Open Oct. 1 - Oct. 31!

79th Street SBIF district is open for new applications this month. Please see below to find out which other SBIF districts are open for new applications this month and which districts are opening next month. 

‘This was so cool!’ A new take on Baby Shark for Auburn Gresham School Kids

A shark invasion was a welcome respite for a south side Chicago neighborhood that has suffered losses from COVID-19 and gun violence.

UPDATE: Neighborhood Opportunity Fund is open! Apply by Friday, Sept. 24

than $4 million in funding available for small businesses, non-profits and cultural institutions across Chicago’s West, Southwest and South sides. The deadline for applications is Friday, Sept. 24. 

Auburn Gresham Evaluation Committee - Video Recap

Evergreen/Imagine development team DPD hosted an Evaluation Committee last week on July 22, 2021. Click the link in story to see the meeting video recap.

Mental Heath Fair Draws Resources and to Address all Dimenisions Health

Be Kind to Your Mind was GAGDC's first health fair, touchingn all dimenions of health, yet focusing solely on mental health.

JUNE 8th, INVEST South/West Initiative Starts Series of Community Engagement Meetings!

INVEST South/West Initiative, invites you to our series of community engagements starting on June 8, 2021, with two more planned meetings to follow!

Draft Day Dream, "My Chicago Bears!"

Carlos Nelson will forever be associated with QB Justin Fields. Here’s how the Auburn Gresham community leader got to the NFL stage weeks after losing his father, an avid Chicago Bears fan.

Happy Two Year Anniversary Mayor Lightfoot!

Happy Anniversary Mayor Lightfoot!

So, who is Carlos Nelson?

So, who is Carlos Nelson?

Chicago Bears & Bears Care Invest $611,000 In Auburn Gresham

We are getting closer to the finish line, thanks to sizeable donation from "My Chicago Bears!"

COVID-19 Response Team Shovels for Seniors!

COVID-19 Response Team Shovels for Seniors!

Auburn Gresham Pet Food "Pop Up" Dished Up 1st Compassion in Action Award by Anti-Cruelty Society!

The Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation's new partnership efforts with the Anti-Cruelty Society has led us to be the recipient of their inaugural Compassion in Action Award! 

February GAGDC Staff Spotlight

Sharing the spotlight on GAGDC Staff....take a loolk!

Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment: Webinar Registration

How to Direct Public & Private Investment to Black & Latinx Neighborhoods to Scale CATALYZING NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT, Tuesday, January 26, 2021

INVEST South/West Auburn Gresham RFP Sole Pitch: Evergreen Imagine

Auburn Gresham Invest SouthWest pitch by sole developer?

"teamwork, makes the dream work"

Huge final steps -- Finance Committee, votes Yes, for AG Healthy Lifestyle Building resources.

Artists in Residence in four INVEST South/West neighborhoods - Auburn Gresham Selected Dorian Sylvain!

Mayor Lightfoot announced the artist residence program in four neighborhoods on the south and west sides. artists were selected through a community led process. This will lead to public art and cultural programs for Auburn Gresham, Austin, Englewood and new city back of the yards!

Warming Up Chicago Coat Drive

We are collecting coats for young people! All sizes are needed (new coats only please). Drop off at GAGDC office. See flyer for more details. 

Fall Health Fair on the Block 20201

GAGDC is back with another Health Fair on the Block! Join us outside of 7901 S. Racine Street on October 9th for a (safe!), fun time. We will be hosting from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be COVID testing, flu vaccines, and many more resources. Don't forget to wear a mask, see you there! 

State gives boost to urban farm project that is expected to bring jobs, food, renewable energy to South Side
The State of Illinois and Green Era Announce $32M Investment in New Renewable Energy & Urban Farming Campus on Chicago’s South Side

The State of Illinois and Green Era Announce $32M Investment in New Renewable Energy & Urban Farming Campus on Chicago’s South Side.

Chicago Group Given $10 Million For Community Redevelopment In Auburn Gresham

The “Always Growing, Auburn Gresham” group received the grant from the Pritzker Traubert Foundation to advance a plan to turn the four-story building into a “Healthy Lifestyle Hub.” The building will include health care, nutrition, urban farming, a recycling enterprise facilities and office space the Auburn Gresham neighborhood.

Auburn Gresham wins $10M to revitalize neighborhood

Auburn Gresham won $10 million to help revitalize parts of the neighborhood

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To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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