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Auburn Gresham United Way Neighborhood Network



"The Auburn Gresham Neighborhood Network established an advisory working group and utilized their knowledge of programs, schools and continuous improvement to review existing educational data from the five CPS Auburn Gresham Gold Schools and develop their bold goal. The Neighborhood Network partners are strive to improve the overall culture and climate of Auburn Gresham’s five community schools, engage parents and strengthen community partnerships."

Five Schools --- Two BOLD Goals

Barton | Cook | Oglesby | Joplin | Westcott

  1. 80% of 3rd grade students read at or above grade level by 2021
  2. Neighborhood parents choose neighborhood schools 50% in 5 years

The BOLD Goal

“Using Community Driven Data to Achieve The Common Agenda”

What are BOLD Goals?

Each Neighborhood Network creates Bold Goals in a specific issues area such as but not limited to education, income or health.

What is a Bold Goal?

A United Way of Metropolitan Chicago (UWMC) Neighborhood Network Bold Goal, is a long-term goal that addresses a community specific need, in a issue area. Bold Goals indicate a percentage change over a specified time period to a target population. Bold Goals help us track and measure large changes in a specific issue area that eventually will lead to a community wide system change.


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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Improve and enhance the delivery of community and economic development in Auburn Gresham, Englewood, and West Chatham.

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