SSA #32 Business Workshops
SSA #32 July 17, 2014, Business Workshop Recap

On July 17, 2014, the Greater Auburn- Gresham Development Corporation’s Special Service Area (SSA) #32 held a Business Workshop, for the Auburn-Gresham business community, at Urban Partnership Bank, in the REDLine CTC and Business Center.
The workshop topics included the following:
- How to Market your business on the Internet
- How to Obtain Grants for Building Improvements (Improve Your Facade)!
The workshop began at 9:00 AM, with a free breakfast provided by a local restuarant. Approximately 20 businesses particiapted and attended both of the hands-on workshops.
Businesses in attendance ranged from from salon owners to developers of neighborhood properties. Many of the workshop participants were “amazed” at how simple it is to market your products and services on “Google”. With the Google search engine, our local business owners can have access to millions of potential customers.
Business owners also learned that if they are located within the boundary of Special Service Area (SSA) #32, which runs along 79th Street North and South, Dan Ryan (State Street) on the East, and Marshfield on the West, they can obtain a grant (up to $1,500) for improving the façade of their businesses' building.
For more information on services and resources provided by SSA #32 for our businesses contact:
CHERYL JOHNSON or MATT MADSEN at (773) 723-3557 or visit 7903 S. Racine, Chicago, 60620
If you attended the workshop, take a moment and share your comments with us.
* Thank You Again For Coming *