
Special Service Area (SSA) #32

Special Service Areas (SSA) protect and promote neighborhood shopping districts and to provide additional services above and beyond what is normally provided through local government agencies (i.e street cleaning, garbage removal, business development). Each SSA is entrusted to a Sole Service Provider that has reporting and management responsibilities for all programs and funds. The Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) is the Sole Service Provider for SSA#32 which is managed by C Johnson and Associates a women and minority owned urban consulting firm that specializes in SSA creation and management.

Auburn Gresham is home to the BUSIEST transit hub in Chicago! The huge amount of traffic on the Red Line and on 79th Street requires a dedicated effort to clean and maintain. Our services don't just pick up where City services leave off, they often anticipate the needs of the community and address them ahead of time. Not only that, the SSA is full of information that provides vital marketing and promotional services that enhance the business district and tells our local accomplishments and stories in a positive way that is more representational than main stream media portrayals.

Our SSA's boundaries are 79th Street North and South, Dan Ryan on the East, and Marshfield to the West. The SSA has a team of commissioners that act as a check and balance making sure that all SSA programs are relevant to the community they are intended to serve and performed the way they were designed to perform. SSA #32 hosts quarterly meetings held at convenient times and locations that are open to the public. 

Special Service Area (SSA) 32's primary mission is to promote investment and business development along 79th Street between the Dan Ryan on the East and Marshfield to the West. To accomplish the primary mission, the SSA created and is responsible for implementing the following seven commissioner-reviewed and approved programs throughout the business district:

Maintenance and Beautification Program

Litter Free Zone Initiative Program

Facade Enhancement Program

Economic Development Program

Marketing Program

Safety Program

Management and Administration Program
